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Picture Information Extractor更新日志 1.修复部分bug 2.优化了部分功能. 小编推荐: Picture Information Extractor太好用了,在图像处理里面算是数一数二的软件,相信用过的小伙伴都会说好用的,如果不喜欢我们还有绘画软件、照片管理软件、acdsee 3.1、photoshop cs2
It extracts EXIF, XMP, and IPTC from JPG, TIF, and RAW files and makes it available in its interface for editing. Picture Information Extractor Import – Rename – View – Organize – Tag The ultimate tool for digital cameras reveals everything PIE is an unique picture browser and viewer with exquisite photo metadata and file renaming features. Picture Information Extractor是一款由功能强大的图片信息提取工具,可快速查看磁盘中整个目录下的照片所带的Exif信息,不仅可以完整读取 JPEG,连RAW和AVI都可以一并叫出文件头信息(Header),除此之外你可以修改图片的日期、时间、快门、闪光灯、程序模式、白平衡 Picture Information Extractor(PIE)把硬盘上的照片一网打尽,软件的主要特点是快速查看整个目录下的照片所带的Exif信息,常用数字相机摄影的网友必然知道,数字相机会加拍摄的信息以EXIF的格式,存入 JPEG文件之中,只要你.版本列表 Picture Information Extractor的使用方式简单直观,用户只需选择相关文档随后点击即可,随后就可以在照片下方看到相关信息,如:日期,时间,焦距和闪光强度等。 Picture Information Extractor là một công cụ hiệu quả có thể giúp người dùng trích xuất thông tin máy ảnh của mình với việc đổi tên file và xem hình ảnh theo thứ tự thời gian chính xác . Bạn có thể hiểu hơn về chức năng của máy ảnh kỹ thuật số bằng việc phân tích thông tin trên từng kiểu ảnh và cũng hỗ 嗨客提供Picture Information Extractor(PIE) 5.63下载,Picture Information Extractor(PIE)把硬盘上的照片一网打尽,软件的首要特性是高速检查整个目录,Picture Information Extractor(PIE) 5.63免费下载地址 Picture Information Extractor的使用方式简单直观,用户只需选择相关文档随后点击即可,随后就可以在照片下方看到相关信息,如:日期,时间,焦距和闪光强度等。 同时用户还可以通过Picture Information Extractor为多数照片重新命名,或者从数码相机中提取照片。 Picture Information Extractor Download PIE Free* 14.2 MB, Windows 7/8/10 (32/64bit) (English, German, Spanish, French) *The free version does not save metadata 华军软件园Picture Information Extractor(PIE),为您提供Picture Information Extractor(PIE)怎么样、Picture Information Extractor(PIE)好用吗等用户评价信息,更多Picture Information Extractor(PIE)怎么样评价信息,尽在华军软件园! Picture Information Extractor peut être utilisé pour convertir des formats de fichier entre les extensions de fichier répertoriées ci-dessous. Vous pouvez ouvrir un fichier avec l’une des extensions de fichier ci-dessous via Picture Information Extractor et essayer de l’enregistrer dans un autre format de fichier, également pris en charge par Picture Information Extractor.
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Picture Information Extractor es una herramienta para Windows cuyo principal objetivo es acceder a la información de creación que contienen casi todas las imágenes fotográficas, pero que no siempre es accesible. Su funcionamiento no puede ser más sencillo. Basta con buscar el archivo en el navegador de ficheros que viene integrado en la interfaz y seleccionar la imagen. Automáticamente Picture Information Extractor把硬盘上的照片一网打尽,软件的主要特点是快速查看整个目录下的照片所带的Exif信息。 展开. Picture Information Extractor 6860 官方版 免费软件软件截图 Picture Information Extractor 6860 官方版 免费版下载地址; Picture Information Extractor 6860 官方版 免费软件.
Platform, operating system: Microsoft Windows. Go to: Picture Information Extractor description.
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The deluxe photo data toolkit for amateur photographers and professionals alike. PIE is an image browser and viewer with perfectly integrated photo metadata and file renaming features.
PIE Picture Information Extractor By Picmeta Systems : Picture information PIE is an unique picture browser and viewer with exquisite photo metadata and file renaming features. It extracts EXIF, XMP and IPTC from JPG, TIF and RAW files and makes it available in a convenient 2. Picture Information Picture Information Extractorは、少なくとも2個の異なるファイル拡張子をサポートします。 Picture Information Extractorがサポートする基本ファイルは.MEFです。ただし、リストにリストされているすべての拡張機能がPicture Information Extractorの作業の効果を保存するために常に使用されるわけでは … Picture Information Extractor.
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The following tables provide information about the association of Picture Information Extractor with file extensions. If the Picture Information Extractor program can be used to convert the file format to another one, such information Jul 10, 2020 · Picture Information Extractor is a unique and complex application that was designed to allow you to turn the pictures you have into a slideshow and/or edit them and their metadata. It also has the ability to generates reports on your photos if you’d like to look into them more. Télécharge la dernière version de Picture Information Extractor pour Windows.
小编推荐: Picture Information Extractor太好用了,在图像处理里面算是数一数二的软件,相信用过的小伙伴都会说好用的,如果不喜欢我们还有绘画软件、照片管理软件、acdsee 3.1、photoshop cs2. 展开. 软件截图. 下载地址; Picture Information Picture Information Extractor is an image browser and viewer with photo metadata and file renaming features. It extracts EXIF, XMP, and IPTC from JPG, TIF, and RAW files and makes it available in its interface for editing. Picture Information Extractor Import – Rename – View – Organize – Tag The ultimate tool for digital cameras reveals everything PIE is an unique picture browser and viewer with exquisite photo metadata and file renaming features.
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