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The most current version is GeoDa 1.18 with new features.We found it to be stable but if you encounter a bug, please let us know.You can also report bugs and issues on our Github site.The source code for GeoDa is available here and is released under the 编号 数据标识 发布日期 中心经度 中心纬度 缩略图 操作; 495: 黄河流域重点断面水质监测数据2004-2017: 2018-08-13: 111.9: 34.9 LinkedGeoData: New RDF versions of OpenStreetMap datasets available The AKSW research group is happy to announce that a new LinkedGeoData maintenance release with more than 1.2 billion triples based on the OpenStreetMap planet file from 2015-11-02 is now online. 本页面数据来源于高德开放平台,数据更新于2020.4 高德开放平台,数据更新于2020.4 Vector Geodata. Vector data (in the computer graphics sense rather than the physics sense) can represent a map. Such vectors take the form of sequences of latitude-longitude or projected coordinate pairs representing a point set, a linear map feature, or an areal map feature. Geodata Systems is the premier provider of smart mapping and spatial analytics solutions in the Philippines.