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2016.03.27 11:00 31/10/2020 Axanar friends: A veteran friend of Axanar Director of Security Dale Simpson , needs our help! Stephen is in the VA hospital and unconscious. He has no family and we need to help take care of This website/comic/Facebook site/Axanar Comics/Axanar, Tip of the Spear, the promotion thereof and/or any exhibition of material created by the operators of this website/comic/Facebook site/Axanar Comics/Axanar, Tip of the Spear, are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with CBS/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise and is a non-commercial fan-made comic series intended for 华为现在都垃圾到要跟山寨平板对比了吗?两者有可比性吗?还有人会认真考虑山寨平板? Prelude to Axanar (working title: Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar, and long title: The Four Years War Part III: Prelude to Axanar) is a 2014 fan-made short film, directed by Christian Gossett and written by Gossett and Alec Peters. Funded through Kickstarter, production sought $10,000 in funding, but raised $101,000. It had its public debut July 26, 2014 at the San Diego Comic-Con. Welcome to Ares Digitial 3.14 - where you can be a part of making the dream of Axanar a reality! This website will allow you to track your previous donations to the project, check the status of your perks, and update your contact and shipping information.
Axanar Comics in a 'Nutshell' Axanar Comics was conceived by me, who fell in love with the Star Trek Fan Film "Prelude To Axanar", created by Alec Peters. Talk:Star Trek: Axanar. Jump to navigation Jump to search. This article was nominated for deletion on 27 August 2014. The result of the discussion was redirect.
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电影: 《星际迷航:阿克纳之战 Axanar (2015)》 导演: Robert Meyer Burnett Christian Gossett 主演: Kate Vernon, 理查德·哈奇, 盖瑞·格拉汉姆, 影片演员表、票房成绩,免费下载电影海报图片等网络资源 - MM52.net 全球电影网 Axanar Swag. Show.
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Hace 1 día Hace 1 día We started shipping perks from the 2014 Axanar Kickstarter and the 2015 Axanar Indiegogo campaign… Fan Film Friday – After putting out fires, INTERLUDE will premiere on Monday, April 5th Jonathan Lane | Axanar News , Fan Films | No Comments Axanar Productions believes in the highest ethical practices and will never sell or lend your information to any third-party. You can also unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link found in the footer of any newsletter. The Axanar were an androgynous humanoid species with an average life span of four hundred years, native to the planet Axanar. (ENT: "Fight or Flight") 1 Physiology 2 History 2.1 Reference in a holodeck simulation 3 Individuals 4 Appendices 4.1 Appearances 4.2 Background information 4.3 Apocrypha 4.4 External link The Axanar had green blood. Their bodies produced triglobulin from the zymuth With J.G. Hertzler, Robert Pralgo, Robert Hayes, Kim Fitzgerald. Garth, the legendary Starfleet captain, and his crew during the Four Years War with the Klingon Empire.
You get a complete set of 4 Axanar Klingon D-6 posters. You also get the Bonus Klingon D-7 Console Graphic. PLUS you get the complete set of 6 Starfleet MSD posters. You get: USS Ares USS Triton USS Magellan USS Korloev USS Korolev (top view) USS Geronimo. Plus you get the USS Ares Blueprints.
免费,登录即可下载 战神号战舰,来自星际迷航Axanar。 评论. 提交评论 登录后发表评论. 您可以在上面嵌入的YouTube上观看整集,也可以前往iTunes下载节目的音频或视频版本。 带开瓶器的Kanex GoBuddy +充电/同步便携式避雷线; 星际迷航Axanar; 棒棒糖三脚架; 霍尼韦尔(中国)抒情性WiFi温控器 系统事件的10种免费音效 如果您发现剧评只有5分钟,请不要怀疑下载出错,其实是我们跑题了本期节目录制 1:07:06 游戏术语提醒:氪金/课金, 指免费游戏中的充值行为 Axanar案 04:11 Prelude to Axanar可在bilibili或youtube搜到 04:24 Prelude to Axanar剧情简介 Prelude to Axanar. 預告片 Watch movie.
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They are notable for having cranial ridges, green blood and a so-called zymuth gland which secretes a substance known as triglobulin, which is used by other races due to its medical and aphrodisiac properties. It is worth noting that this substance is said to be fairly similar to Human Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar - Full Film (1080p) 是在优酷播出的微电影高清视频,于2014-12-15 11:38:04上线。视频内容简介:国外粉丝做的一部微电影,以纪录片和访谈的形式讲述了23世纪中期联邦-克林贡战争的故事。该系列视频总共有几part,但目前youtube只放出了PartIII EXPLORING AXANAR AxaMonitor presents its analysis of Axanar’s recent donor memo, financial report and new Indiegogo campaign in the form of a kids’ book, “Think of the Children.” A Starfleet cadet and his commanding officer go on an adventure to learn about Axanar. Axanar Comics in a 'Nutshell' Axanar Comics was conceived by me, who fell in love with the Star Trek Fan Film "Prelude To Axanar", created by Alec Peters. Gli Axanar sono una specie aliena dell'universo fantascientifico di Star Trek che appaiono la prima volta nell'episodio Vincere la paura della prima stagione di Star Trek: Enterprise.Indirettamente il loro mondo natio compare in un episodio della serie classica, Il sogno di un folle.. Gli Axanar hanno il sangue verde, le cui molecole somigliano ad amminoacidi. 03/01/2017 Welcome back to Instagram.
435 播放 · 0 弹幕 【科幻/周边】 5008个部件的DIY乐高飞船 联邦星舰进取号A Axanar is a planned feature film set within the Star Trek universe, following on the short film Prelude to Axanar. Paramount and CBS sued the film’s producers, alleging that the fan film infringes on the studios’ copyrights in Star Trek, such as the characters, settings, costumes, logos, and plot points — as well as an alleged copyright to the Klingon language itself. Axanar Comics in a 'Nutshell' Axanar Comics was conceived by me, who fell in love with the Star Trek Fan Film "Prelude To Axanar", created by Alec Peters. Talk:Star Trek: Axanar. Jump to navigation Jump to search. This article was nominated for deletion on 27 August 2014. The result of the discussion was redirect.
Rated 0 out of 5 $ 49.95 Add to cart. Quick View Axanar, Lawrenceville, Georgia. 69,921 likes.
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